When mines are looking for a dozer with the versatility to go from stripping overburden one day to ripping solid rock or stirring the leech field the next and cleaning up around the dragline the day after they call on the Komatsu D475A-5 crawler dozer. Low drive undercarriage with K-bogies make the D475A-5 a superior ripping tractor. Palm control joysticks, air suspension seat that rotates 15 degrees to the right and low dBA cab provide the operator with a comfortable environment with the tools he needs to maximize production.
Emission Rating
Tier 2
Net Horsepower
890 HP @2,000 rpm (664 kW @2,000 rpm)
Max Operating Weight
238960 lb (108390 kg)
Blade Capacity
35.6 yd3 (27.2 m3)