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Chris Gauthier is a Running Man

July 6, 2022
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We all start somewhere

We all start somewhere

A couple of years ago, Chris Gauthier would have told you he runs just for fun. A way to get outside and get some fresh air, something he has done for as long as he can remember. Today, Chris will tell you he enjoys running for a good cause.
"I have always been a runner," says Chris. "I love the fresh air and getting outside. For me, it's more than just exercise. It's my form of meditation." 
When he bought a treadmill, Chris was inspired to run longer distances and joined its running community. A community of individuals pushing and encouraging him gave Chris the confidence and motivation to run longer distances and eventually sign up for races. 

"I was inspired by Tommy Rivers Puzey, an endurance athlete who has won many marathons. He's big on social media and is very inspiring, pushing his followers to reach their maximum potential," says Chris.

Chris was encouraged to sign up for his first race three years ago and has since participated in many others, some for charity, most for personal achievement and growth. 

"I have participated in runs like the Spartan Race, focused on personal achievement. However, I knew I wanted to participate in runs for a cause that would be rewarding and fulfilling," says Chris.

The Million Reasons Run

In 2021, Chris participated in The Million Reasons Run to support children's hospitals across Canada by signing up for the intermediate 75 km run. Being new to the race that year, Chris dedicated his run to all the children currently in hospitals fighting terminal illnesses. Last May, Chris tracked how many kilometres he ran each day and throughout the duration, Chris ran an incredible 80km.

"I have a young daughter, so imagining what these kids in hospitals and their families go through makes me feel sick to my stomach," says Chris. "The money raised goes toward supporting the discovery of life-saving treatments for over 5,000 children currently in children's hospitals across the country."

Second-time success

"This is my second year running in this race, but this year was a bit different," explains Chris. "I came across the story of 5-year-old Ben Stelter.  Ben was diagnosed with a brain tumour one year ago. Since then, he has gone through 4 rounds of Chemotherapy and 30 sessions of radiation to remove it. Unfortunately, the tumour returned in December 2021, and Ben will undergo more radiation. His courage and will to fight have inspired me, to say the least. Ben is my hero and the million-plus more reason I dedicated my run to support his journey."
This year Chris ran a total of 84 kilometres, surpassing his goal of the intermediate 75-kilometre run. An awe-inspiring feat since much of his time was spent travelling for work and family.  
"I ran 19km on the last day because I was behind," laughed Chris. "My knees were killing me by the end, but the rewarding feeling of surpassing my goal trumps all the pain and horrible weather I experienced during those moments." 

Chris loves running, and participating in races such as The Million Reasons Run makes Chris's favourite hobby even more special because he is helping others. He is grateful for the backing of his core support group and is excited to run even further next year.

More About Chris

Chris Gauthier, PMP - Product Marketing Manager, Construction

Chris Gauthier, Product Marketing Manager for Construction, has worked in the industry for over 15 years. Chris has held various roles in product management and product support throughout his career. He currently resides at SMS Equipment supporting new product introductions and sales enablement processes out of our corporate office. Today, Chris’ favourite part of his job is constantly learning and building strong relationships throughout the business.

Since graduating from university and immersing himself in the construction industry, Chris enjoys Travelling the world, spending time with family and being outdoors as much as possible. He loves playing hockey, riding his bike on the trails, and hiking the beautiful mountains in the Canmore area.
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