The battle against cancer won’t be won in a quick sprint; for everyone involved it will be a marathon. To honour the endurance of survivors, supporters, and researchers, SMS Equipment is proud to support the Relay for Life.
The battle against cancer is a long journey. From each patient’s travel from diagnosis through treatment to recovery, to the struggles of family and friends to support their loved ones, and to the work of researchers striving to discover new cures and better treatments, nothing about treating the disease is fast. Endurance is what makes the difference.
That endurance, for patients, supporters, and researchers, needs lots of resources. As part of their annual fundraising drive, the Canadian Cancer Society holds an event that symbolizes that endurance: the Relay for Life. A community fundraiser held in hundreds of communities across Canada, the events bring together teams to walk laps of a track, with team members carrying a baton they hand on to a teammate when they finish their lap. Distances at Relays range from 5 to 15 kilometers, and participants each year include survivors, family members, and supporters keen to support the battle against cancer.
One of the largest fundraisers of any kind in Canada, let alone those to support patients and disease research, the Relay for Life has raised over $450 million since its beginning in 1999. The amount raised has grown by leaps and bounds: that first Relay, in 1999, raised $85,000. The 2015 Relay raised over $33 million.
The donations of Relayers and their supporters go towards a wide range of Canadian Cancer Society activities including preventative education, therapeutic research, and initiatives that support patients and their caregivers. In addition to the funds spent directly on developing new cancer treatments, donations go towards bringing cancer preventing information to Canadians through print and television advertising, help people quit smoking, and give rides to cancer patients who lack their own vehicles, ensuring they can make it to their appointments. The Society also maintains offices across Canada where patients and their families can gather to learn about their disease, remember those who have been lost, and support one another on their cancer treatment journeys.
SMS Equipment supported the 2016 Relay for Life, with individual employees like Derek Johnson, a General Foreman (Mechanical) at the company’s Acheson, Alberta branch, taking part in their local Relays to show their commitment and support for the cause. To support participants like Derek, the company makes cash donations, funds support banners, and donates promotional items as giveaway prizes for the Relays.