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BOMAG tandem rollers combine reliability and innovation to reach compaction

March 9, 2021
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Precision handling capabilities make BOMAG’s BW 154 AP-4V & BW 174 AP-4V/AP-4V AM pivot-steer tandem rollers ideal for wide range of paving and compaction projects

Precision handling capabilities make BOMAG’s BW 154 AP-4V & BW 174 AP-4V/AP-4V AM pivot-steer tandem rollers ideal for wide range of paving and compaction projects

Reaching compaction is a critical step for any construction or paving project. When looking for a compaction roller, choosing the right machine that combines reliability and innovation can often be challenging. With the BOMAG BW 154 AP-4V and BW 174 AP-4V/AP-4V AM pivot-steer rollers, operators can safely and effectively reach compaction on a wide range of job sites.
BOMAG’s pivot-steer tandem rollers offer precision handling through four different steering modes: diagonal, front, back and synchronized. The optional automatic setting on the pivot-steer rollers ensures that the front drum always steers.
The multiple steering modes make the machines ideally suited for small to medium job sizes with limited maneuverability. The machines are also highly capable on large projects, offering high output potential and operator comfort.

The pivot-steer rollers unique crab-walking capability allows the machine to distribute weight over a wider area, beneficial for compacting thin layers and sensitive surfaces. The crabwalk can be combined with any of the four steering modes, allowing the operator to compact sensitive mixes without difficulty and large amounts of asphalt quickly. When steering the rollers around a bend while in crabwalk mode, BOMAG’s adaptable steering control means the operator doesn’t need to worry about manual corrections. The crabwalk feature also increases safety and stability when working along edges or along angled slopes.
Both the BW 154 and BW 174 rollers feature front and rear split drums. The design reduces shearing stress when making tight turns on asphalt, which minimizes the surface’s ability to form cracks.
Driving comfort is optimized with the foot-operated seat. The seat can be rotated up to 270 degrees and the armrest projects out of the window when shifted left or right to the extreme, offering the operator excellent vision from anywhere in the cab.
“The preferred choice of roller depends on application, job type and customer need,” said SMS Equipment’s Ray Tremblay, Manager, Road Construction, Technical Support. “Our knowledge of the BOMAG product line gives us the ability to help in selecting the proper model for their requirements, so that they can be most effective from production and efficiency standpoints. SMS Equipment’s application specialists are a great resource for all types of solutions."
Unique Industry technology

Unique Industry technology

The optional BOMAG ASPHALT MANAGER technology increases the tandem pivot-steer rollers capabilities. ASPHALT MANAGER allows operators to choose between high compaction for deep-penetration work or low vibration for use in sensitive areas. The technology works by using an infinitely variable amplitude that continuously adjusts to the level of compaction already achieved.
Simply put, the operator chooses the level of thickness to be compacted and the ASHPALT MANAGER takes care of the rest.
The technology helps the operator avoid over compaction and drum bounce, allowing them to work near structures without the risk of vibration damage. The end result is an optimum number of passes on any surface for maximum quality and efficiency.

Machine capabilities

The BW 154 AP-4V and BW 174 AP-4V tandem rollers feature a circular exciter in the front and rear split smooth drums. The BW 174 AP-4V AM tandem roller also features split smooth front and rear drums but utilizes a directed vibrator in the front drum and circular exciter in the rear. The directed vibrator allows for fine-tuned compaction output with amplitudes up to .03 in (.80 millimeters), ideal for situations when higher performances are required, such as bridges or inner-city areas.
The BW 154 AP-4V ’s operating weight of 15,653 lb (7,100 kg) and linear drum load of 132.7 lb/in (23.7 kg/cm) make it ideal for light construction, road and aggregate projects. The 156.8 lb/in (28.0 kg/cm) linear drum load of the BW 174 AP-4V tandem roller and 166.7 lb/in (29.8 kg/cm) allow the larger BW 174’s to take on projects requiring higher levels of compaction. The BW 174 also features a greater drum width of 66.1 in (1679 mm) compared to the 59 in (1500 mm) width of the BW 154 tandem roller.
“As an authorized dealer, SMS Equipment supports the BOMAG pivot steers, including comprehensive service and parts for the rollers as well as software and firmware updates,” said Tremblay. “We can tailor warranty solutions to meet customers’ specific requirements as well. We encourage anyone whose applications include compaction to contact their sales rep or any of our branches for more information.”

BW 154 AP-4V

Drum Width 59 ″ (1500 mm)
Linear Drum Load  132.70 lb/inch (23.70 kg/cm)

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BW 174 AP-4V

Drum Width 66 ″ (1680 mm)
Linear Drum Load 157 lb/inch (28 kg/cm)

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BW 174 AP-4V AM

Drum Width 66.10 ″ (1679 mm)
Linear Drum Load 166.70 lb/inch (192 kg/cm)

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 Ray Tremblay - Manager, Road Construction, Technical Support
  • Over 40 years of experience in the construction industry, as a Heavy-Duty Mechanic, Product Support Representative, and Service Manager, and 12 years’ experience working directly with infrastructure equipment
  • I provide product knowledge, training, orientation, and 24/7 support for SMS Equipment product lines.

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